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Where To Buy Time Sert Inserts

DennisB Summary: We are commonly asked about the differences in Time Sert and Heli Coil brand thread repair kits. In this article we cover ten main differences between these two brands. First, I will say that they have some things in common. Both brands have a large selection of sizes available. Both can be used to fix threads that have been damaged from cross-threading, over-tightening or vibration due to being too loose. Both brands have been around for a long time and each have some very loyal customers. Heli-Coil used to be just a wire coil, but now they also offer a solid insert similar in appearance to Time Sert. There are more differences than what meets the eye. I've written about advantages that Time Sert has over "wire style" inserts in the past, so for this article we cover the differences between Time Sert and SOLID Heli-Coil inserts. This also applies to other comparable labels like Lisle, Save-A-Thread, Balkamp, Fix-A-Thred etc. They all are basically the same design, unlike Time Sert.

where to buy time sert inserts

4. How inserts are held in. Helicoil inserts are held in by swedging the top by hitting a spreader tool with a hammer. Time Sert is held in by using a threaded install driver which finishes the bottom threads by cold rolling and expansion of the bottom portion of the insert. This holds the Time Sert insert in from the bottom rather than Helicoil's method of holding from the top. No guessing how hard to whack with a hammer. Just rotate the threaded driver down as the instructions state. Easily repeatable by any skill level installer.

5. Can inserts be screwed too far? Helicoils and competitive brands can be screwed in too far. In fact some of our customers call us after screwing a Heli Coil all the way in and dropping one into the combustion chamber when attempting to fix threads for a spark plug. Time Sert cannot be screwed in too far because of the flare at the top which fits into a counter-bored area formed by tooling that comes in the kit. There's no scenario where a Time Sert gets dropped into a cylinder.

6. Placement? Helicoil, as mentioned before is typically made to install flush to surface level. Time Sert tooling takes into account when threads don't start at the surface. Therefore Time Sert thread inserts are installed where the original threads were. This prevents un-intended consequences like TTY (Torque to Yield) head bolt's mathematics being skewed or altered.

9. Applications. Time Sert makes thread repair kits for more specific applications where-as Helicoil seems to mainly have repairs for general thread repair. That's one reason there cost is less for kits. I worked with a tech that double-stacked Helicoils for a head bolt thread repair. He did this to get a longer run of threads, because Helicoil inserts were shorter than he actually needed. He undoubtedly crossed the threads when he got to the bottom set of threads. Not an comfortable feeling. No one one wants to rely on crossed threaded bolts to hold for the integrity of their job. Time Sert has specific kits for drain plug thread repair, head bolt thread repair, spark plug thread repair and much more. Time Sert even has an RC Glow Plug thread repair for remote control air planes. That's pretty specific.

Mouse over the images above for a more detailed view of the kit components. Also notice our bulk discount prices on TIME-SERT replacement inserts for thread repair kits. Need more information on TIME-SERT thread repair kits? Visit our auto repair blog section on thread repair kits for tips, advice and all your thread repair questions answered. Just comment and we will be quick to respond.

See the TIME-SERT products pdf for more information on thread repair kits and inserts. Some are listed for certain applications on cars, trucks and motorcycles. The pdf is a partial application list so feel free to email or call if we can assist with your particular need. We also accept inquiries regarding our daily TIME-SERT specials. Remember TIME-SERT is recommended by leading car manufacturers like the General Motors Corporation. In fact TIME-SERT is GM's only authorized repair for head bolt threads.

TIME-SERT regular size replacement insert used in 11 x 1.5mm thread repair kits. This is a common size head bolt thread repair inserts used in several different TIME-SERT thread repair kits like the J-42385-2000, J-42385-500, 2200, 7111, 6001 and 6111.

Notice our bulk discount prices on TIME-SERT replacement inserts for thread repair kits. Need more information on TIME-SERT thread repair kits? Visit our auto repair blog section on thread repair kits for tips, advice and all your thread repair questions answered. Just comment and we will be quick to respond.

A "Screw Thread Insert Tap" (also known as an STI Tap) is designed specifically to be used in the installation of some types of thread inserts, including Time-Serts. An STI tap is different than a standard fastener thread tap; they can not be used interchangeably.

Wire thread inserts are the strongest type of threaded connection. For this reason threads in critical applic-ations such as inside aircraft turbines and nuclear reactors are fitted with wire thread inserts from new. That's right, critical threads where breakage would endager life are not just tapped straight into the parent metal. The reason is explained in the diagrams in the "How strong will your thread repair be" section below. We do not recommend wire thread inserts for sump and drain hole or sparkplug hole repairs and they are harder to fit than Time-Serts in difficult locations.

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Time-Sert inserts are superior in every way to typical "Heli Coil" thread repair kits (which are usually wrapped wire, very weak and troublesome to install!), Wire inserts can leak Loctite from the outside of the insert to the inside siezing on the plug, which can not happen with Time-Sert Inserts because they are solid! Time-Sert inserts also have a flared shoulder that prevents leakage, and provides a fixed depth of installation, it is impossible to install the insert "too far".

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